Livelihood Program
The Livelihood Program implemented by MHDO aims to provide stability and self-sustainability in communities, resulting in positive impacts on health and overall quality of life. It encompasses several subsectors, including food security, infrastructure development, and livelihood access. The following programs are part of MHDO’s Livelihood Program:
- Food Security: MHDO focuses on initiatives that ensure access to an adequate and reliable food supply for communities, promoting food security and reducing vulnerability to hunger.
- General Food Distribution (relief)
- Food for Work
- Nutrition Distribution
- Agriculture: The Agriculture program aims to enhance agricultural practices and techniques, improve crop yields, and promote sustainable farming methods. This includes providing training, resources, and support to farmers. Main activities are:
- Low-cost natural farming practice training
- FAITH (Food Always In The House) gardening
- Seeds bank practice
- Farmland development, irrigation, and installation of water supply systems for farmland
- Natural animal fodder making training
- Natural insecticide and pesticide making training
- Farmer Field School
- Livestock: MHDO supports livestock rearing activities by providing training, veterinary services, and access to quality livestock. This program aims to improve livestock management and enhance income generation opportunities. Main activities are:
- Odorless chicken farming practice
- Natural goat farming practice
- Mangrove and Aquaculture development
- Rice and fish development
- Vocational Training/Income Generation: MHDO provides vocational training programs to equip individuals with valuable skills and knowledge for income generation. This includes training in various trades, entrepreneurship, and business management to empower community members economically.
- Value-added production training
- Enhance small/medium enterprise training
- Participatory market system development
Program Strategy for Livelihood Program
1st Phrase: Training on Trainer

2nd Phrase: Another TOT at Neighbor Village (TOT Expansion)